Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Batting 300!

Did you think I quit?  Were you worried that  had given up?  A few of you have asked me, "Heidi, are you still Getting-to-10?  Well my answer is a resounding YES!!!

So, as I've mentioned before, if nothing changes, nothing changes.  But recently, life was getting in the way of me making the changes that I wanted to make.  My commitment to being and doing my best is still alive and strong.  However, the little dream-stealer that sits on my shoulder tried to tell me that I was a fraud, a starter not a finisher and that I was only fooling myself to think that could ever make it to 10.

Well, I've told her to take a hike and I'm back on the wagon -  ONCE AGAIN! Once again I'm making my well-being a priority.  Once again, I'm striving to be my best in every area of my life.   Getting to a size 10 will be great, but this journey is about sooooo much more than my dress size. 

You are probably wondering what any of this has to do with batting 300.  Well, here's the deal, I set a goal to run 300 miles this year. That's only 6 miles a week and that is doable if I remain consistent.  As I was running this morning, I thought about batting 300.  I asked my husband about the significance of batting 300 and he told me it is a benchmark for excellence.  And the same is applicable for me.  I am striving for excellence. 

My goal is to post more regularly and to make this blog an inspiration to all of you who so kindly dare to share this journey with me.  Thank you for your posts and for your support.  I hope that by sharing I inspire to you to live, be and do your best too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I’ve been reading your posts and just wanted to share something? Please email me back. Thanks!

